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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Relationship between oxygen and glucose metabolism in normal young adult human brain Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110635 Sokoloff L (1996) The...
Substances utilized or produced by normal young adult human brain Human Homo sapiens Table - link N/A 110632 Sokoloff L (1996) The...
Surface area of (1.3 kg) brain Human Homo sapiens ~20 m^2 117111 Abbott NJ, Rönnbäck L...
Fraction of outer subventricular zone (OSVZ) progenitor cells that express nuclear and cytoplasmic markers typical of radial glia (RG) and also possess radial fibers Vertebrates ~40 % of OSVZ progenitor cells 117213 Lui JH, Hansen DV, Kriegstein...
Annual expansion of the ventricles in healthy elderly and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients Human Homo sapiens healthy elderly ~1.5-3.0%: AD patients 5-16% % 114372 Streitbürger DP et al....
Mean volume of whole brain, amygdala and hippocampus in infants, children and adolescents/adults of both sexes Human Homo sapiens Table - link cm^3 113145 Uematsu A et al., De...
Duration of the cycle of growth of the human brain Human Homo sapiens first ~1.5 decades of life after conception 113146 Caviness VS Jr, Kennedy DN...
Increase in density of neurons in cortex of females compared with males Human Homo sapiens ~4,000 neurons/mm^3 higher in the female than in the male 115166 Haug H. Brain sizes, surfaces...
Glial cell density in grey matter of brain Human Homo sapiens 30,000 - 60,000 cells/mm^3 115169 Haug H. Brain sizes, surfaces...
Fraction of total basal body oxygen consumption that goes to brain in 5 year old child Human Homo sapiens 50 % 110634 Sokoloff L (1996) The...
Number of synaptic vesicles (SVs) in readily releasable pool (RRP) at the calyx of Held in young Rat Rattus norvegicus 600 - 6,000 vesicles 112564 de Lange, R. P., de Roos...
Axon diameter and conduction velocity Monkey fastest axon ~20µm diameter conduct at ~120 m/s: slowest axon ~0.1µm diameter conduct at ~0.3m/s N/A 110607 Harvey A. Swadlow and...
Percent of midline glia that are eliminated through apoptosis during embryogenesis Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster ~75 % 107586 Hidalgo A, Kato K, Sutcliffe...
Ratio between glia cell number and neuron number in brain Human Homo sapiens 10 - 50 unitless 110874 Herculano-Houzel S, Mota B...
Fraction of spinal roots in which arachnoid villi reach the epidural space and penetrate into the wall of veins situated around the spinal ganglion African green monkey Chlorocebus aethiops ~16 % 117122 Sakka L, Coll G, Chazal...
Time course of embryonic brain development Mouse Mus musculus ~10 days 117222 Lim DA, Alvarez-Buylla...
Fraction of granule cells added to dentate gyrus in hippocampus Rodent in rats in first 2 weeks after birth ~80%: in guinea pig in first postnatal month ~20% % of granule cells added to dentate gyrus 117230 Josselyn SA, Frankland...
Typical conduction velocity of muscle in the tibial nerve Human Homo sapiens 55 m/sec 112388 The neural bases of ...
Fraction of recycling vesicles that were within the readily releasable pool Rat Rattus norvegicus 32 % 112034 Waters, J. and Smith...
Fraction of excitatory axo-dendritic synapses in the CNS that occur on dendritic spines Unspecified >90 % 112037 Ziv NE, Smith SJ. Evidence...